Join our Vibrant Community

All of our programs are open to everyone whenever the doors are unlocked.

You will be welcomed and allowed to participate at your own pace and comfort level.

Adult Christian Education

We will soon begin a new bible study for women titled: “The Bible As My Friend”

Worship Music

Our wonderful music program includes a traditional choir that performs on special occasions.

Play Pal

A drop in program for parents or care-givers to bring babies and toddlers for socialization

Children’s Ministry

Children are very welcome in our worship services and we provide activity bags for them during our service.


Our greeters, sides persons, sound ministry, choir, and coffee hour helpers all enhance our worship gatherings.

Church Service Support

Lay Administers assist at the Eucharist.  Crucifers carry the processional cross. 

Continuing Education

We hold lectures and workshops several times a year on current issues and how the church relates or responds to the demands of the modern lifestyle.